Comments from PocketPenniless

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PocketPenniless commented about "Fahrenheit 9/11" 'Star' Lila Lipscomb at Michigan Theatre on Jul 4, 2004 at 10:03 am

It should be known that R.L. Fridley, the owner of several movie theaters in the midwest, is refusing to show the film “Fahrenheit 9/11” because he believes it “incites terrorism.” If he could move beyond his own narrow political standings, he would understand that this film is a movement against our presidents inadequacies and sympathizes with people who have lost family members due to terrorism. I call on all of you who value a full understanding of our government, not just what you see on the news to watch this film . Ms. Lipscomb is an amazing woman and her association with Michael Moores film should not be tainted with the accusation of terrorism.