Comments from philologist

Showing 2 comments

philologist commented about Arena Theatre on Nov 11, 2010 at 8:01 pm

To Lost Memory : I’ve just turned 85 and as a young boy I would frequent the Arena every Sat. that is if I had the 10 cents for the price of admission. 1934 to ? 1940.

You noted : “If both roof and inside theatre are used at the same time,” The roof theatre must have been closed before 1934 as nothing existed above the theatre itself. Trivia…. Adjacent to the entrance, on the North side was a small shop that sold a hot dog and a fairly large stein of root beer for, believe it or not, for a NICKEL!

philologist commented about Amphion Theatre on Nov 11, 2010 at 7:22 pm

Amphion Theatre, 620 9th Avenue, New York, NY.
I recall visiting the “movie house” as late as 1932. ( I was six at the time )
They were still running “silents”. As most New Yorkers know it was within the boundaries of Hells Kitchen. At the time the theatre employed a person to play a piano, located directly below the screen. It is too long to include here but he was sacked for playing songs that were inappropriate. The management ran a weekly give away. It was possible to get a complete set of China, one plate at a time.