Comments from philman

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philman commented about UA Cine I & II on Nov 12, 2016 at 10:19 pm

Matt54 above is correct…the theater was never in a shopping mall. When I saw that pic at the top of the page of the theater lobby, it really jogged my memory of being there in the 1970’s…wow, long time ago.

philman commented about UA Cine I & II on Nov 12, 2016 at 10:11 pm

As I recall, I saw the Bond flick ‘Live and Let Die’ at the UA-Cine in the summer of 1973 with my then girlfriend. I do remember it was a nice theater.

philman commented about Northpark West 1 & 2 on Mar 4, 2016 at 11:39 pm

I worked at Northpark I&II part-time while in high school in the early 1970’s, working mostly evenings and weekends. Looking back, I really enjoyed my time there, even though the wages were a bit lacking, shall we say. I remember one of the biggest movies we had was ‘What’s Up Doc’, the Barbra Streisand-Ryan O'Neal classic, in the spring of 1972….it ran for around 6 months, and was still drawing good crowds even at the end. I worked at the theater for around 2 years, made some good friends there, and always looked forward to going to work. I was truly saddened to see the place close down in 1998. It kind of felt like part of my youth had been taken from me…..PR