Comments from PhilipHartman

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PhilipHartman commented about Bijou Theatre on May 1, 2007 at 6:04 am

Dear All,

Sorry it’s taken me so long to visit this site and read the comments about the Bijou…it’s been a long haul getting this project going and I appreciate your patience…renovating any old theater is hard, especially in an urban context riddled with decades of neglect; added to that is the fact that we’re also building a restaurant and a performance space, that it’s in two different buildings and that I, the owner, have been trying to complete a couple of other projects in the interim, and you can see why it’s taken so long. But it is finally happening! Two Boots of Bridgeport will open in the next few weeks, and the Bijou Theater a couple of months after that. The Bijou will have restoration of its original pressed tin cavorting nudes, a gorgeous event-space of a lobby, a full liquor license and two sky boxes up above with casual seating for large groups. We’ll program a combination of mainstream independents and off-beat cult films, and work with as many local organizations as possible — arts groups, ethnic organizations, gay/lesbian filmmakers, etc.
Please stay in touch, through Two, or call us at 212-777-2668. We look forward to seeing you all up in Bridgeport soon!


Phil Hartman, Two Boots/Pioneer Theater/Bijou Theater, etc.