Comments from PeterDraper

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PeterDraper commented about London Experience on Apr 9, 2024 at 5:19 am

@milst1 See my earlier comment, I was one of the first 4 house managers at the original Experience, I remember Leslie and his wife well. Prior to the launch they were often at the theatre, tweaking and refining the presentation. There was a General Manager and four house managers, Me, A guy called Steven who had worked at The cinerama, Eddie somebody and I think a lady called Susan. We hired an out of work actor to dress as the Town Crier and attract the customers. After the show closed I heard he still wore the costume and actually called himself The Town Crier of London.

PeterDraper commented about London Experience on Apr 9, 2024 at 5:10 am

I was one of 4 people selected as House Managers for The London Experience. We worked on setting up the merchandising before it opened and afterwards were responsible for the smooth(ish) running of the shows. There was a large pre-show area with a replica of the London Wall and slideshows presented on it. We had a console with a pre-recorded announcement telling waiting viewers that the show was about to start and to open the doors. Sometimes we used a mic and read the preamble live. At one time we started to get an awful smell in the pre-show area, and discovered that the large Chinese Restaurant on the 2nd floor had been pouring fat down the drains that congealed and blocked up (and ultimately broke) the drainage. Dyno Rod came and sent in operatives in hazmat suits to clear everything…