Comments from pearlharborgirl

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pearlharborgirl commented about Southtown Theatre on Aug 7, 2007 at 11:45 pm

Dr Mr. Herbakeet,
My name is Tiffanie Malloy and you have been talking to my Cousin Dan Malloy. He has told me all about your wesite and that he new your sis. I went to your website and I think you did an amazing and wonderful job on it. I have it book marked on my computer. I love your sisters diary. I wish I had a sister. I have two brothers and that is it.I have all guy cousins. You are lucky to have sisters. I love, love , love, your website. Please keep on putting neat stuff on there. My Cousin Dan has told me all about the theater and where he lived and all about Chicago. I would love to keep in Contact with you. I am writing a book about the Malloy Family, my family. Here is my email address You can email me any time,.

God Bless
