Comments from PatriceSmith

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PatriceSmith commented about E.F. Albee Theater printed postcard on Feb 10, 2014 at 8:45 am

I just realized in says Providence, R.I. at the top of the picture. Sigh. Nevermind.

PatriceSmith commented about E.F. Albee Theater printed postcard on Feb 10, 2014 at 8:44 am

Is this the Albee on Vine St? My Great-Aunt Edith Poulson waitressed at the Purple Cow in the 1930s right next to the Albee on Vine St. She married a Cuban from Havana, who was a Violin player & performed at the Albee the end of July in 1930. His name of Alberto Bolet. I would love to have a program, or napkin from the purple cow for a scrapbook page.

PatriceSmith commented about Keith Albee Theater on Feb 10, 2014 at 8:39 am

My Great-Aunt Edith Poulson was a waitress at the Purple Cow Coffee Shop in 1930, which was located (and maybe still is – I live in CA, and have never been there)right next to the stage entrance on Vine St. of the Albee Theater in Cincinnati. I have her diary, and it reads like a lovely novel. It brought me to tears at times. Edith met a violin playing Cuban,from Havanna, by the name of Alberto Bolet, who performed at the Albee during the end of July in 1930. He sat in her station at the Purple Cow. They had a whirlwind romance, eloped, and he took her home to Cuba. In the diary she said “We were accustomed to these show people and knew them by sight.” Edith mentioned an item on the menu “Peaches & Cream” and that they were “quite luscious” and that “all thru life peaches & cream will mean a lot to me, for they were the very beginning of this very beautiful & wonderful romance.” Edith mentioned a co-worker by the name of Margaret. Edith worked a shift on Aug. 1st 1930 11 pm – 7am Saturday morning. The Albee must have been a hopping place!