Comments from pataylor

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pataylor commented about Garrick Centre on Sep 10, 2006 at 1:14 am

organpage – The TPO that >was< in the Immaculate Conception hall was installed by the late Terry Harvey. Now there was a man who got things done. Organ installations, concert series, LPs of the Orpheum – on and on. I recall that the Seeburg/Smith went to Alberta but I wouldn’t bet my house on my recollection. The TPO onced owned by the late Reg Stone and then the late Frank Mankin went there for sure. That’s the problem – many persons connected with west coast TPOs have taken up the harp. The organ from the Pantages/Odeon Hasting/Majestic is (last I heard) in a South Delta residence by way of the late Chas. McKenzie. I’m hoping that my info stirs up some more-up-to-date contributions to this forum. J. Tarling still has his Capitol TPO and, as I understand, has the Organ Grinder hybrid in storage. Our Garrick Theatre organ is seldom played during the summer so that temperature fluctuations in the chamber can be kept at a minimum. A Conn 3 manual sparker fills in surprisingly well.
Rather than clutter this excellent forum – if you (or anyone else) wants more info, I’m at Console down.

pataylor commented about Garrick Centre on Feb 6, 2005 at 3:19 am

Regarding the Garrick Theatre Pipe Organ:
The numbers from the book are bang on. There was no “CONSIDERABLE” pipe damage from the move. Just a fair amount of minor damage. HOWEVER, the pipes were stored planted on the (2) chests under plastic with the treble (small) pipes right outside the door to the Walker orchestra pit. Someone came thru' that door and just walked on the pipes. A “map” of the chests and damaged pipes shows a clear “footprint” pattern of damage. Most of it has been repairable, so far. Only 7 ranks have been restored. At the price we paid, I got no complaints.

As to “..its power ..” – a huge scale Tibia Plena, a fat, smooth Diapason and a Brass Trumpet no doubt helped give that impression.
The Tibia Plena has not been planted as we have enough “power” for our studio. The Brass Trumpet is the only rank badly robbed – missing 13 pipes below middle C. So it won’t be planted for a while, yet.

Any stories of the Garrick theatre before twinning are highly prized and appreciated.

The interior of the Walker was shown on TV recently but I forget the context. I do remember being VERY immpressed and the next time I visit Winnipeg, I will try to get a glimpse. My wife will be visiting her mom in Winnipeg this week but I’m not too anxious to spend $500 to see the interior of a Winnipeg theatre in the middle of winter. (Being a west coast weather wimp.) More to come, later.

Regards, PT

pataylor commented about Garrick Centre on Feb 5, 2005 at 11:34 pm

sam_e and others
The Garrick (before twinning) had 3 aisles from screen to back wall.
Source: The seat diagram from the ticket booth counter. (vintage unknown).
The Garrick Theatre Organ was stored under the stage of the Walker (Odeon) where we retrieved it after purchase. (For a pittance, I might add)
If HMcK will confirm that the Agnes Forsythe that we have referred to is the one s/he is seeking info on, I will check to see if her local friend is still around and has anything to contribute.

For theatre pipe organ nuts (er, fans), be aware of a weekly broadcast from Australia on the net. Fridays 6 PM PST. Search for RTRFM. You will need Windows Media Player and you can save the music with Windows Movie Maker. All vintages presented from mono records to the latest CDs.

If anyone wants the (long) story of the Garrick’s pipe organ’s rebirth posted – just say so, here. I plan to make a completely new colour pamphlet one of these days with a brief history, the restoration story and specs.
‘Nuff ramblings for now,
Regards, PT

pataylor commented about Garrick Centre on Jan 3, 2005 at 4:33 am

The Garrick Theatre Pipe Organ is privately owned by yours truly and has been playing since 1986. It is installed in a restored state (tonally UNmodified) in a specially built studio in a Vancouver suburb. It was first played after its partial restoration by a close friend of the last organist, Agnes Forsythe. Hope this clears things a bit.

Regards, PT