Comments from pastorspomer

Showing 2 comments

pastorspomer commented about Cooper Theatre on May 4, 2008 at 8:53 am

Thanks for the correction, It was a long time ago, and like Nomad said, “much was lost…”


pastorspomer commented about Cooper Theatre on May 3, 2008 at 1:19 pm

I saw the original “Star Wars” movie at the Cooper. I was taken there by friends, and I knew very little of what I was about to see. (this was in high school). We all sat in the front row, almost inside the big curved screen. What an experience! Wide-eyed I sat and watched the interstellar dogfights in what seemed like 3-D. I remember having to turn my head to follow the flight of the X-wing fighters as they zoomed by. I don’t get that kind of fun at the movies anymore.
Phil Spomer