Comments from pam4449449

Showing 2 comments

pam4449449 commented about Eureka Theater on May 26, 2005 at 8:22 am

yes i saw the status listing. i just wanted to say how strong i felt about having the theater re-opened. i also wanted to let you all know why i feel the way i do. Is the theater going to be open for movies as it use to, or will there be other types of things going on there? please let me know as i will be waiting. also, when there is something going on there where will it be listed?

pam4449449 commented about Eureka Theater on May 25, 2005 at 3:13 am

i have lived in eureka my hole life, and one of the places that i would love to see re-opened to its origanal splender is the eureka theater. the first movie i ever saw alone, i saw at the eureka theater, on my 13th birthday, with my best freind. i would love for my children to be able to see the theater as i saw it. i have several freinds that also feel the same as i do about it. it was a sad day when i took my girls to the theater to see a shirly temple look alike contest. it looked so sad and dejected. i felt that it would bring back all those old feelings of wonder that i once had walking into that building. what i got was a very disapointed feeling when i saw all the buity covered with dust and stains. please open this wonderful place again. the people of eureka would love this as much as i would. pam