Comments from pagemanortwincinemas

Showing 6 comments

pagemanortwincinemas commented about Theatre owner blames employee thefts for closing on Nov 2, 2006 at 3:17 pm

The cameras did not record. It was basically I know you and so and so was here and the concession is $90.00 off and the box is $60.00. He often “let them go” but would bring them back because he felt there was no one else to do “the job”. His Heat and Air is his bread and butter so if the cinema gets ripped out he is out $200.00 if he can’t do a service call for the Heat and Air he would be out thousands of dollars. He had to pick his battles. The theatre also had several band e robberies that were inside jobs. They went trough the roof only took pay check cash from drawers! Not computers and other items.

pagemanortwincinemas commented about Theatre owner blames employee thefts for closing on Nov 1, 2006 at 2:42 pm

This is not to start rumors or talk about of anyone. The biggest down fall of the theatre is the greatest opportunity it once had. Joe Kinney is a great guy; he is very smart and runs Joe’s Heat & Air. Joe has a big heart and that got him in to trouble and doomed the theatre before it was ever open. Joe put a lot of time and money in to PMTC.

Charlie was the guy who only on paper owned part of PMTC with Joe. Charlie was to put his 50 plus years of theatre operation know how into it and Joe put the money in.

Mr. Augustine a teacher by day emailed me and said he saw the theatre was opening and wanted to know if we (PMTC) needed his help.

Mr. Augustine who once worked for Regal and Danbarry.
Mr. Augustine stabbed the 70 year Charlie in the back when he knew Joe was the money man and pushed Charlie out. This also was helped by Joe’s Dad who felt because of the last 20years Charlie owned Cinema â€"X-East it would look bad on PMTC.

The theatre opened on a Friday in January 04. That Charlie was let go that night. The theatre was to be $2.50 and play movies before they left first run. This is like an intermediate policy even though most do not use the term anymore. The former Beaver Valley Cinema which in now The Bargain Box Office operates the same way. They play a movie that left Regal but is at other first-runs.
Joe instead of talking to the studios from his booker and Mr. Augustine’s lack of theatre know how pulled the movies and played day and date with Danbarry. After a few months and being closed almost 6 years Mr. Augustine thought best to make is a dollar and even tried to change the name to Page Manor Dollar Cinema.

Over and over Joe would talk about cloing it. Almost all the time from month 2 to just weeks ago.
The past few years have seen Augustine hire unfriendly friends who the “trained” and thought the knew the world to hiring “operators” with pink and blue hair who banned all kids under 16 so he didn’t have to tell them to be quite. Skateboards and people lying on the floor it was a mess.

Free concessions going out everywhere the cost was out there and it wasted. A 900plus week pay roll and $12,000 concession spending. PMTC went back at the end to $2.00 admission and pulled the same patrons as a dollar. Instead the were just losing $1.00 for a year! Augustine had a bright idea of making a bargain day of $1.00, but did it on Fridays one of the busiest time for theatres.

The lease was final up and Joe did not want to renew and PMTC closed.

pagemanortwincinemas commented about Page Cinema Manor Twin Cinemas on Nov 1, 2006 at 2:42 pm

This is not to start rumors or talk about of anyone. The biggest down fall of the theatre is the greatest opportunity it once had. Joe Kinney is a great guy; he is very smart and runs Joe’s Heat & Air. Joe has a big heart and that got him in to trouble and doomed the theatre before it was ever open. Joe put a lot of time and money in to PMTC.

Charlie was the guy who only on paper owned part of PMTC with Joe. Charlie was to put his 50 plus years of theatre operation know how into it and Joe put the money in.

Mr. Augustine a teacher by day emailed me and said he saw the theatre was opening and wanted to know if we (PMTC) needed his help.

Mr. Augustine who once worked for Regal and Danbarry.
Mr. Augustine stabbed the 70 year Charlie in the back when he knew Joe was the money man and pushed Charlie out. This also was helped by Joe’s Dad who felt because of the last 20years Charlie owned Cinema â€"X-East it would look bad on PMTC.

The theatre opened on a Friday in January 04. That Charlie was let go that night. The theatre was to be $2.50 and play movies before they left first run. This is like an intermediate policy even though most do not use the term anymore. The former Beaver Valley Cinema which in now The Bargain Box Office operates the same way. They play a movie that left Regal but is at other first-runs.
Joe instead of talking to the studios from his booker and Mr. Augustine’s lack of theatre know how pulled the movies and played day and date with Danbarry. After a few months and being closed almost 6 years Mr. Augustine thought best to make is a dollar and even tried to change the name to Page Manor Dollar Cinema.

Over and over Joe would talk about cloing it. Almost all the time from month 2 to just weeks ago.
The past few years have seen Augustine hire unfriendly friends who the “trained” and thought the knew the world to hiring “operators” with pink and blue hair who banned all kids under 16 so he didn’t have to tell them to be quite. Skateboards and people lying on the floor it was a mess.

Free concessions going out everywhere the cost was out there and it wasted. A 900plus week pay roll and $12,000 concession spending. PMTC went back at the end to $2.00 admission and pulled the same patrons as a dollar. Instead the were just losing $1.00 for a year! Augustine had a bright idea of making a bargain day of $1.00, but did it on Fridays one of the busiest time for theatres.

The lease was final up and Joe did not want to renew and PMTC closed.

pagemanortwincinemas commented about Page Cinema Manor Twin Cinemas on Aug 9, 2005 at 11:34 am

To Whom It May Concern:
Mr. Augustine is very upset by the comments left here about him.
Mr. Augustine wants everyone to know that he alone cannot be responsible for what is taking place at Page Manor. Mr. Augustine is just an employee who loves show business, like many of you who use this site.

Mr. Augustine has given ideas to the Manor’s owner.
The owner however pays the bills and has final word on the daily operations.

Mr. Augustine understands there are a lot of people who are feuding with Page Manor or its owner and maybe wanting to damage either Page Manor or the theater’s owner but please not take it out on Mr. Augustine.

Mr. Augustine also wants to address the negative reporting in regards to the box office reports. The Page Manor has struggled over the past two years but is now averaging around 300-330 per day and Mr. Augustine hopes that it continues.

Mr. Augustine also wants to address the “illegal plays" of DVD movies.
Mr. Augustine has this to say “To this day the Page Manor Twin Cinemas has stopped playing any DVD movies and has not heard anything further by the copyright holders about any penalties or legal action”.

Mr. Augustine also would like to address the “lackey” statements. If trying to help the Page Manor stay open and assist the owner makes me a “lackey” well I guess I am. I have too much to deal with to be worried by name-calling.-PS At least spell my name right.

pagemanortwincinemas commented about Page Cinema Manor Twin Cinemas on Jul 28, 2005 at 9:20 am

This is wonderful site were you share memories about theaters from the past and the future and share stories.

However if there is anyone with questions, suggestions or grievances regarding the
Page Manor Twin Cinemas, Page Manor Twin Cinemas LLC. or itâ€\s parent company we do ask that you please do one of the following.

Write a letter and send it via email to or write to
Page Manor Twin Cinemas, LLC.
5584 Airway Road
Riverside, OH 45431

All letters will be directed to the owner.

Thank you,
Page Manor Twin Cinemas, LLC.

pagemanortwincinemas commented about Page Cinema Manor Twin Cinemas on May 17, 2004 at 2:36 pm

The above is wrong!!!
Century Theatres opened Page Manor Theatre on May 24, 1967 with “In Like Flint”.
Famous movie star Kathryn Grayson was at the theatre’s opening.
Century later would sell the Page Manor Theatre
to Cincinnati, Ohio based Holiday Amusements. Holiday Amusements later sold the Page Manor theatre to Springfield, Ohio based Chakeres Theatres. Chakeres in 1975 twined the Page Manor and renamed the theatre Page Manor Cinemas. In 1988 National Amusements who owns Showcase Cinemas bought the Page Manor Cinemas from Chakeres. National Amusements than in September 1993 closed the Page Manor Cinemas. In December 1993 Telkamp Theatres of Cincinnati, Ohio reopened the Page Manor Cinemas. Telkamp closed Page Manor Cinemas in April 1998. The Page Manor Cinemas was closed for nearly six years. Page Manor Cinemas would reopen in
January 2004 as Page Manor Twin Cinemas. The Page Manor Twin Cinemas is also the new home for “Rocky Horror Picture Show” which plays every Saturday at midnight. Page Manor Twin Cinemas web site: