Comments from organnyc

Showing 8 comments

organnyc commented about Boulevard Theater on Mar 23, 2016 at 1:45 am

The Red Mill Theatre contained an organ built by the Robert-Morton Organ Company and installed in 1923. This date probably coincides with the opening date of the theatre.

organnyc commented about Clifton Theatre on Aug 29, 2006 at 5:22 pm

Tom DeLay — I stand corrected. The Wurlitzer Style B had 2 Manuals – 4 Ranks – 3 Tuned Percussions – 17 Traps – Curved Console. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

organnyc commented about Embassy Theatre on Aug 28, 2006 at 4:55 pm

A 2-manual/7-rank Wurlitzer organ, Opus 1608 (1927)was shipped on April 7, 1927 to the “Concord Theatre” in Brooklyn.

organnyc commented about Carnegie Hall Cinema on Aug 28, 2006 at 7:39 am

The Carnegie Hall Cinema had a 2-manual/5-rank “Style 150” Wurlitzer organ, Op. 2095 (1931) which was originally in the Lawler Theatre in Greenfield, MA. After the Lawler closed, it was moved to the Rainbow Roller Rink in South Deerfield, MA; then it was purchased in 1968 by Ben Hall, noted theater historian and film critic, who installed it in his NYC duplex. Hall died in 1971; the Hall Estate gave the organ to the Amer. Theatre Organ Society, who planned to install it in the Harold Lloyd Estate Museum in Hollywood, CA. Those plans fell through, so the organ was shipped back to NYC where the NY Theatre Organ Society installed it in the Carnegie Hall Cinema; it played there for about 10 years until the Carnegie Hall renovation began. The organ was put in storage until it found its current home in the Lafayette Theatre in Suffern, NY, where it is featured on a regular basis.

The Carnegie Hall LYCEUM had a 2-manual/20-stop Möller organ, Op. 1706 (1914). Its console can be seen in Warren’s image at We don’t know how long it was there or what happened to it.

organnyc commented about Miller-Capitol Theatre on Aug 28, 2006 at 2:25 am

A II/6 (2-manual, 6-rank) “Style 160 X” Wurlitzer, Op. 465 (1921) was shipped on October 30, 1921 to “Miller’s Capitol Theatre.”

organnyc commented about Glenwood Theater on Aug 28, 2006 at 2:07 am

A II/6 (two-manual, six-rank) “Style 160” Wurlitzer Organ, Op. 439 (1921) was shipped to the Glenwood Theatre on July 29, 1921.

organnyc commented about Clifton Theatre on Aug 22, 2006 at 2:10 pm

Disregard the above posting. Further research shows that the Wurlitzer was in the Pastime-Osborne Theatre in the Bronx. Does anyone know of this theatre’s location?

organnyc commented about Clifton Theatre on Aug 22, 2006 at 12:06 pm

The Pastime Theatre had a 2-manual, 4-rank Wurlitzer “Style B” organ (with piano-style console), Opus 1416 (1925). This organ was moved in 1935 to the Fordham Skating Rink in the Bronx, which would coincide with the ca. 1935-36 renovation and renaming of the theatre.