Comments from Oldmoviehaze

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Oldmoviehaze commented about Bates Theatre on Feb 27, 2018 at 12:38 am

So I have lived in Attleboro my entire life and I actually live in the Bates building now I also rent office space or the first floor as well and what I do know is by says great great great great grandfather there May have been one to many grates but something I noticed it does it get mentioned is that it actually closes 1952 it could be longer compete with the movie theater on Union Street and that’s information from the mayors office… there my sons ancestor William H golf built the base building he was the architect and actually only recently found this out so I wanted to make sure that I put it on here I couldn’t believe it and we had just found it out for like records and going back by so it’s father doesn’t really know his dad so we had to hunt some of his old family down but so much information about the family is amazing for both families is cool