Comments from oldblue

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oldblue commented about Main Theater on Jun 8, 2016 at 10:10 pm

The REX theater was the one located at 213 Main. I know because I was the projectionist on VJ day…we closed in the middle of the afternoon for the rest of the day. The MAIN was NEVER the Rex. The REX was operated by CLAUDE MUNDO (who also operated the Liberty Theater in No. Little ROCK.)

The MAIN in the late 40s to early 50s was operated by JOY HOUCK of New Orleans on a lease and when that lease expired it was taken over by ROY COCHRAN who was the owner of the JUROY theater in No. Little Rock. When his lease expired, I became the lease holder of the Main theater and operated it until the property was sold to the the city to be demolished for what is now a parking lot.

AT one time there were 4 theaters within one block of each other…the REX, the MAIN and just a few doors down from the Main was the NEW (owned and operated by Robb and Rowley theaters of Texas…and just around the corner on First Street was the Crescent theater operated and owned by the Wren circuit.

The theaters slowly closed…with the REX being the 1st to go,…the Crescent was the 2nd to to…the NEW was the 3rd and the Main was the last one.