The Ritz theatre opening review in local paper.

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The Ritz theatre opening review in local paper.

Text from article reviewing the opening night.

Port Macquarie News and Hastings River Advocate (NSW : 1882 - 1950), Saturday 25 December 1937, page 4


‘The Ritz,’ the new palatial Port Macquarie theatre, erected to the order of Messrs. E. Hatsatouris & Sons, was officially opened on Wednesday evening by Aid. E. A. Mowle. Mayor of Port Macquarie. There was a large attendance at the opening night, people from all parts of the district being present It was unfortunate that some who had booked seats for the original opening night, Monday, 20th December, had to cancel their bookings owing to other arrangements. Nevertheless the ceremony was a red-letter day for Port Macquarie, and the programme was thoroughly enjoyed.

The owners of ‘The Ritz’ are to be greatly complimented upon the erection of such a large and up-to date theatre, which is a mile-stone in the advancement of the town, and a definitely progressive forward movement. The building is a symbol of faith in the town and its future, and a worthy manner of expressing appreciation of support accorded Messrs. Hatsatouris & Sons since they came to Port Macquarie. It is putting back into the town something received in it, and helping in its progress, which has been most marked during recent years. We feel sure all will wish them every success in their venture, and due reward for their initiative. Just after 8 o'clock the Mayor, Aid. E. A. Mowle, and Messrs. P. Hatsatouris, Kenworthy (architect) and McAdam (foreman of the work) appeared on the stage, and were well received by the large audience. The Mayor congratulated the owners of the new theatre on their energy and foresight in providing such a fine theatre for its patrons and the town of Port Macquarie. It was, he believed, 20 years ahead of its time. The new structure was a credit to all concerned.

Through unforeseen circumstances the theatre was not yet completed, and disappointments had been met, to be overcome by the initiative and energy of Messrs. Peter and George Hatsatouris, whose word was their bond. The Mayor said he was a great believer in progress, and the construction of this building was progress. Before declaring the new theatre open he called on Messrs. Kenworthy and McAdam to say a few words. Mr. Kenworthy first expressed regret that the theatre was not really finished, through no fault of his, but owing to boat delays, which caused idle time to the men on the work. He also regretted exceedingly it had not been possible to properly light the new building, owing to the electric light contractor being unable to supply the necessary current. This was a very regrettable state of affairs in a delightful place like Port Macquarie, and the residents of the town should make every effort to improve such conditions. Mr. McAdam said he was not an orator, but complimented the owners on this step in progress, and thanked one and all for the help at all times, and wished the proprietors every success with the new theatre.

The Mayor had much pleasure in declaring ‘The Ritz Theatre’ officially open, amidst applause. The proceedings were punctuated with rounds of applause as points were emphasised. A good programme was then put on the screen, which was much appreciated by all. The projection was good, and the tone all that could be desired, made possible by the introduction of up-to-date and modern talking and sound equipment The main ‘features were ‘Wings of the Morning,’ a beautiful picture in natural colours, and ‘O-Kay for. Sound.’ The building is very nice, large, and airy, and beautifully appointed. Whilst failing to have a description of ‘The Ritz,’ we recommend all to make a call and see for themselves what the management have done. A personal inspection will give a much more adequate outline and more satisfaction than any write up.

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