Comments from NormBend

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NormBend commented about Rosewin Theater on Jan 28, 2012 at 4:04 pm

Ahh memories! The tiny store to the right of the theater (where the bicycle is parked) was the location of my grandfather’s candy store in the 1930’s and 1940’s. His name was Charles Frensley. I read in another blog where it was referred to as Mr. Friendly’s Candy Store. As a young boy (7-9 yrs old?), I would catch the street car and report to the store to help my grandfather for the Saturday kids crowd. He had an agreement with the Rosewin that they would only only sell popcorn and leave the candy to him. Movie ticket holders were free to pass out of the theater and go to his candy store and then come back in. Most of our candy was of the penny variety so you could mix and match stuff and really stretch your money across lots of different stuff. I don’t remember if I was allowed to sample the wares. Probably not. :–)