Comments from nanburn

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nanburn commented about Airline Drive-In on Oct 24, 2013 at 11:52 am

I was born in Houston and lived there from 1949 to 1962. The Airline was our neighborhood drive-in, but I was very young when my folks took me there, and my memories are pretty vague, except for the beautiful mural on the back of the screen tower and some truly great neon work. We passed it every time we had to get anywhere in Houston! The plane is supposed to be flying over downtown and the Ship Channel. Anyway, I can explain how Airline Drive got its name. It was US 75 back in the day, AKA Dallas Highway, because that was the auto route to Dallas. It was also the route that airplanes flew to get to Dallas, so I’m sure in the 1920s or 30s, whenever it was named, it was a really futuristic, progressive-sounding one.