Comments from MrPCpa

Showing 3 comments

MrPCpa commented about Bellevue Theatre on Apr 25, 2007 at 12:51 pm

I would guess that it closed in the fifties. I moved to Cumberland in 1948 and it was still going strong. I’d have to say around 1955.

MrPCpa commented about Bellevue Theatre on Apr 25, 2007 at 9:01 am

The red brick building is the Bellevue Theater. The parking lot is where Najarians 5 & 10 was.

MrPCpa commented about Bellevue Theatre on Apr 20, 2007 at 10:45 am

I was in the Bellevue Theater in 1982. A client of mine who owned FKC Engineering in the rear on Rand Street was leasing it as warehouse space and as far as I know it’s still there. It’s right accross from Stanley’s Hamburgers. I was born in CF in 1939 and spent every Saturday at the matinee. I lived on Mowry Street, attended Dexter Street Scool and West Sude School. Grew up on Stanley’s hamburgers and Sparky’s wieners on the corner of Mowry and Dexter. My mother managed Taylors womens store. My grandmother (Emma Noelte) was the Grande Dame of Dexter Street and Tommy Lyons pulled his wagon collecting Junk. He died a millionaire.