Comments from movieman

Showing 4 comments

movieman commented about Farragut Towne Square Cinema 10 on Nov 27, 2010 at 6:23 am

Theater is now raised and an Ingles Grocery Store is on the former site.

movieman commented about Regal Theater restoration project Cinci Ohio on Nov 27, 2010 at 5:58 am

What is the current status on the property structurally, and archatecturally?


movieman commented about Searching for investors for new theater company on Nov 27, 2010 at 5:55 am

Although it is a tough market to get into, it is possiable to build a working portfolio of properties. I have spent the last ten years in this industry putting properties back together. I have worked in Florida on several properties, and would be interested in talking to you about your plans. 865-300-1031 Leave a message


movieman commented about Help with pro forma on cinema/drafthouse on May 31, 2006 at 5:47 pm

I Spent 8 years opening Cinema Grills the newer version of the Cinema Drafthouse for the original founder of the Cinema Drafthouse. I would be more than willing to help any of you guys out answering questions about equipment, construction or operations of these types of facility. I can tell you that if you are intrested in doing one of these facilities, and are thinking that you only want to do a single -triplex facility that you are probably going to have a hard time financially survivng past your first couple of years. The cost to renovate/construct one of these facilities is sometime cost preventative. However as I said before If I can be of help please let me know.