RKO Commack Twin
Commack, NY
Uploaded on: September 28, 2011
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Views: 3,821
No idea when this is from except that based on the bit of car visible, probably sometime in the 70s.
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The year I took the photo of the front of RKO was 1973. Save the Tiger w/ Jack Lemmon was playing at the time.
This a is great photo of the way all RKO theaters looked. If I didn’t see Commack on it,you could say it was the West Babylon theater.I think the RKO theaters chain were new to L.I.,and first to twin.Maybe in 1967-68.
Dang! I know my 1970s movie posters pretty well, but still am not sure what movie this is ……………….
Comments (3)
The year I took the photo of the front of RKO was 1973. Save the Tiger w/ Jack Lemmon was playing at the time.
This a is great photo of the way all RKO theaters looked. If I didn’t see Commack on it,you could say it was the West Babylon theater.I think the RKO theaters chain were new to L.I.,and first to twin.Maybe in 1967-68.
Dang! I know my 1970s movie posters pretty well, but still am not sure what movie this is ……………….