Renfro Drive-In

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Tiny MotoFox

Featured Theater

Renfro Drive-In

Renfro Drive-In

Vancouver, WA

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Uploaded on: July 18, 2013

Size: 902 KB

Views: 2,661


Renfro Drive-In

The Renfro drive-in theatre as of 2013 July. I’m fairly sure that grocery store was not there between 1955 and 1988.

SOME RIGHTS RESERVED: (Revision 3.243F6A8885A308D31319) I, Van Dalton (MotoFox), took this photograph. As long as you retain this notice and description (or at least promise to give me full credit) you can use this photograph in your projects however you want. If you really think this stuff is worth it, and we happen to meet sometime, you can buy me a pie in return.

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