Comments from morrisrh02126

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morrisrh02126 commented about Oriental Theatre on Dec 2, 2007 at 8:14 pm

I loved the Oriental Theater !!!! I grew up in Mattapan and lived there from 1953 thru 1975. I remember being awed by the ceiling and the budda statues with the spooky neon like glow backlighting. Loved the Sat matinees when a kid and the late show when dating….People who go to these multi screen mega plexes where you hear the movie next to you as well as your own will never see the likes of something like that again, alas never will we !!!! Great place to grow up…..I remember after getting out of work at the Cummins Pharmacy, where I was a soda jerk, and then walking down the hiway to the Theater to catch a show, then on to Brighams for an ice cream, then walk home on a nice summer nite………I live in Pa now but when I go back to the ‘hood, I always stop at Simco’s for a grilled dog, salute the nuns at St Angelas as I go by , and drive by the Oriental Theater with a big nostalgic smile on my face……Rick