Comments from morgana544

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morgana544 commented about Devon Theater for the Performing Arts on Mar 11, 2005 at 6:45 pm

I was just on Frankford Ave. across from the old beloved Devon today, eating lunch with an old friend. When I came out to my car, what should I see but signs plastered all over the outside of the theater : FUTURE HOME OF THE DEVON PERFORMING ARTS THEATRE! It’s so exciting. Apparently, there was some agreement that these theaters would never again become movie theaters in Philadelphia. (I’m talking about, in alphabetical order, the Benner, the Devon, the Castor, the Crest, and the Tyson.) Well, they CAN become performing arts venues, as has the Keswick in Glenside. I’m so happy that someone has had the vision and energy to save this grand old theater. I’m looking forward to attending events there.