Comments from mjone182

Showing 2 comments

mjone182 commented about Swan Drive-In on Nov 18, 2014 at 7:14 pm

The Swan just had its screen renovated last winter (2013), and it was converted to digital projection around that same time (due to the company that made the reels changing their format as well). They use FM for sound, and they run movies year round.

mjone182 commented about Blue Ridge Twin Cinema on Nov 18, 2014 at 7:12 pm

Sadly, it seems that this theater is permanently closed. It has shown ‘Closed for Winter’ since around September 2013. Additionally, from what I can see from the doors, most of the seats have been removed, the screens are missing, and the front lobby area is being used for storage for either a company or person. The rumors around town is that the building will be converted into a liquor store or some other business.