Comments from mindflowers

Showing 2 comments

mindflowers commented about UCI Hull on Sep 12, 2016 at 9:49 am

Thanks for the image David.

It would be great to be able to see some images of the interior. There will be plenty out there in dusty cupboards I suppose. There will be many employees that used to work there that will have photos lying around somewhere.

Such a shame this cinema was knocked down. Maybe I am fond of it so much as it is no longer there and maybe if the current Odeon was knocked down instead and the UCI remained then I would have the thought process with Odeon.

I seem to remember that the interior of this cinema had a lot of character about it and felt very much like a classic cinema from the USA. It also had the ‘now showing’ old film list board with individual letters on the exterior of the building to the rear which was viewable to people passing on the Dual Carriage Way.

To me the history of this cinema and any ‘modern’ cinema is just as important as ones from 40,50,60 years ago.

Shame it only lasted around 10 years.

mindflowers commented about UCI Hull on Feb 5, 2015 at 10:25 am


I highly doubt this comment will be read for a long time so I won’t hold my breath for a speedy if ever reply. In this very small corner of the internet.

Woody – How on earth did you find out all that information?

It is a real shame that there aren’t many photos at all of this cinema and non inside. It would be really great to remember what this cinema looked like inside. I have fond memories of this cinema but the longer it goes on the more faded the memories become.

If anyone has any photos then please post them.
