Comments from milforddriveinsucks

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milforddriveinsucks commented about Milford Drive-In on Jun 3, 2008 at 9:57 pm


my wife, two children and i, came to your drive in to see “madagascar”. after the movie was over, i decided to drive my vehicle into the “other lot” where star wars was about to begin. a man walked up to me as i slowed down and asked me what ticket i had. i told him it was for “madagascar”. he then tells me i’m not supposed to drive my vehicle into another lot and that if i did want to watch star wars, i would have to pay another 18 dollars. being only my second time to this drive in, i had no idea that i couldn’t drive my vehicle into the “other lot”. i told him that, and drove back to the area i was originally in.
during all this, some older man (that also worked for the drive in) was watching this. after i moved back to the area i was originally in, this older man is standing in front of my vehicle, to the left, with his arms crossed as if he’s waiting and watching me to do something – a very unpleasant feeling. after a while, he gets into his car that just so happens to be next to mine. about 5 minutes later, i moved my vehicle to another area of the lot i was in. my wife and i then started to talk about this weird situation as to why after we pay 18 dollars to get into this place, we can’t freely drive around in it.
you may have your reasons for not wanting people to drive from one lot to the other, but in the end, you still got everyones 18 dollars. to me, it doesn’t make any sense. then again, it would sound like greed to me if you’re asking people to pay again to move from one part of your property to another. regardless of that, i said to my wife “we’re in the lot we paid to be in, so let’s just go in the back of our suv and watch the other screen in the other lot. after all, it’s visible and we can get it on our stereo – and more importantly, it’s not doing anything wrong because we are in the area we paid to get into. not so.
about 5 minutes into watching stars wars (from the lot that showed madagascar), the older man that works there drives his car by me and asks me what my plate is (because my back doors were open). i told him and he tells me "you’re out of here”. i said to him “i am? … for what”? he tells me “because you were already told you can’t watch the other movie in the other lot”. i said “i’m not in the other lot, i’m in the place i paid to be in”. he then threatens to call the police. i tell him “go ahead”.
let’s be sensible here… when someone threatens to call the police on you for something you think you haven’t done wrong, you feel you’ve got nothing to hide. what i didnt like about this individual, was his rude and ignorant approach and the way he acted with his choice of words in front of my family. he drives away and a few minutes later the younger guy (who originally told me to leave the other lot or pay again) walks over and starts giving me crap. once again – bad approach. instead of explaining to me – in a nice mannor – that i can’t watch a movie (in a different lot from the one i’m in), even though i’m in the lot i payed to be in, is not allowed, he tells me to “leave”. if the guy just explained it to me in a nice manner, i would have complied. but to rudely tell me “you’re out of here”, doesn’t cut it. maybe that’s your policy and right to say that to me. fine. but i just spent 18 dollars to get in, another 23 dollars on food, drinks, candy, ice cream and popcorn… that’s 41 dollars total. am i no one? just another jerk to you people? doesn’t spending money mean anything to you people? whatever the case may be, that was wrong.
did i try to beat the system, you say? maybe to you. not to me. i paid my 18 dollars and i’m in my area now. so what? is this what you have these guys running around doing? i could see if i just decided to keep driving in the star wars lot when the guy told me to either pay again or go back to my lot. that would be cause to act the way they did.
let’s recap: i mistakingly drive to the other lot, i go back with no argument. i feel weird about it after because the older man acting like the gestapo makes me feel that way. i then go into another area and move my family to the back of my vehicle and then get told to leave. does this sound professional to you? this is how you value your customers regardless of what they spend for money? did i bring my own food and drink to your business? no. instead, i spent more money than the people who do bring their own stuff. does that matter at all? apparently not. what difference does it make to you or any one else around me if i decided to sit in the front of my vehicle or the back? what if i had been sneaky and shut my back doors, are you going to notice me then? what if i didn’t make the mistake of innocently driving into the other area… would the older man have been looking for me or said to me what he did when he found me?
20 or so minutes pass and the police arrive. they come walking over to me with flashlights in all our eyes as if we commnited some heinous crime. i didn’t bother to argue my point to the police because i knew whatever i was to say to them, wouldn’t matter. i basically stalled you people from throwing me out right away and getting the better of me. i hope people all around saw the police come and throw out a family for some pathetic reason.
to sum it up: my family and i were thrown out of your drive in when we could have watched a second movie that we paid for (just like everyone else there). your employees humiliated us and told us that we were never allowed back in again. i had to give the police my personal information after feeling like a criminal with my family.