Comments from Mikey

Showing 12 comments

Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Mar 25, 2011 at 6:12 pm

Hi, all. Been a while.

85 years since the Terminal opened? Wow, does that make me feel ancient.

Next month will mark 48 years since it closed. Last movie they showed was “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?”

The book store next to Cooper’s was Terminal Books, an apt name for ANY store in that area. ;–)


Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Sep 15, 2010 at 11:54 pm

Hey, Bob! Few years since I’ve seen you. The comment about the Funny Fellows got you to jump in! Glad you did. Saw the pix from the RHS 1956 reunion. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, my cousin Steve is one of your best buddies. ;–) Tell him I ran into you here. Mitch’s! Wow, how I remember those burgers and fries. Right next to the Albany Park Bank parking lot. The K and L was great, too. And Cooper’s! Now I’m hungry.
Take care, be well! Mike W.

Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Jan 30, 2010 at 6:12 pm


You’re right. I’ll pass the info along. Joe must have known the new owner.

10 cents wasn’t a very good price for a used Pinky. That was the going price for a NEW one! ;–)

I went to Hibbard until the end of 6th grade, at which time the school became overcrowded with us Baby Boomers, so the funneled us over to Von along with 7th and 8th graders from the Peterson and Solomon schools. However, as I lived south of Lawrence (and only 400 feet from the school, I attended Roosevelt.


Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Jan 28, 2010 at 5:23 pm

Doublers and homers… great memories! And “pinners” on the stoops, with a “Pinky” ball. ;–)

My friend Joe tried to register to this group but had some technical difficulties. He may be around here soon. He said he used to fix your dad’s machines on occasion, between 1970 and 1976. He said he thought your dad’s name is “Buddy”? The three of us are about the same age, incidentally, as Joe and I were born in 1949. We must know each other!


Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Jan 27, 2010 at 9:40 pm

I wasn’t in a club but I hung around with the Funny Fellows and a few others. Being tall, when the FFs needed a basketball player I’d help out. My game was Chicago 16" softball, and I played at least 5 times a week.

I passed this list’s URL to a close friend of mine to read, and he asked if you remember him; he ran Glick’s Medical Supply next to the Cleanerette, for many years. His name is Joe. I’ll find out if he’ll allow me to pass along his e-dress.

About that picture link: it was posted to this list on May 11, 2005, and I didn’t realize it until I looked back at the old messages! There are plenty of sites out there with great shots, but I don’t know what I did with the list of URLs. I’ll work on it.


Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Jan 27, 2010 at 1:17 am

Wow. Has it been over a year since I logged in here? Ouch. ;–(

To Albany Park: Google on subject lines like “Albany Park Chicago” and related themes and you’ll find all sorts of wonderful pictures. try this one: View link . We run parallel youths, I guess. I went to Hibbard, Von (upper grade) and Roosevelt, too.

To “Snowball”; For my first 21 years, I lived 3 doors south of The Cleanerette. I can still picture Lawrence avenue as it was in the 50s and 60s. The two books stores were Ceshinsky’s on the north side of Lawrence, and Rosenbloom’s on the south.

Maury’s hot dogs were great. Maury passed on a few years ago, and about 1000 people came to his funeral. Talk about a great guy.

Cooper and Cooper’s across from the L station had the best burgers on the planet.

Mike W., ‘67 Rough Rider

Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Oct 30, 2007 at 6:27 pm

The Balaban family certainly did a lot for the entertainment sector
of Chicago! I’ll have to keep my eyes open for the book.

I may be wrong, but I believe I read that Bob Balaban is involved
in some way with the history and redtoration of some B&K theaters.
Bob is an actor (Close Encounters is the only role I can remember)
but I believe he switched careers a while back.


Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Oct 29, 2007 at 11:46 pm

Nothing like Chicago-style hot dogs and deep-dish pizza. ;–) Mutt and Jeff’s, Maury’s, and so many others. I can still smell them.

I loved the old B&K theaters in the Chicago area… so ornate, so
plush and beautiful. I used to see films at the Terminal, Uptown,
Riviera, Granada, Woods, Oriental, Century, and so many others.
That era, sadly, is gone. Now we have the megaplexes… so sterile,
so small. Fortunately, there are people who are trying to reopen
the Uptown, but it takes scads of money, and few want to contribute.


Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Oct 29, 2007 at 11:06 pm

You bring back memories. I still remember seeing House on Haunted
Hill" at the Terminal in ‘58(?). They had a string run from the
balcony to the screen somehow, and at a particular time in the film
the skeleton traveled down the string. Scared the bejeepers out of
us kids. ;–)

I just had my 40th HS reunion 2 weeks ago, and some of us hopped in
our cars and toured Lawrence ave. Wow, has it changed!


Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Oct 29, 2007 at 10:26 pm

I don’t remember a Mrs. Schwabble, although I do remember a dozen of
my other teachers from that era.

The main building of the Chicago Parental School, as it was called,
looked like something out of a Hitchcock film. Very creepy! I think
most of the land the school sat on is now owned by Northeastern IL.


Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Aug 20, 2007 at 6:27 pm

I went to Hibbard through 6th grade, and was one of the first to
be moved to Von for “Upper Grade” (7th and 8th) along with the 7th
and 8th graders from Solomon and Peterson schools (‘61). Only coach
I remember was Mr. Harris, a very tall balding fellow. Terminal: 15
cents was for PLAIN popcorn. 10 cents more for the butter. After the
the movie, we’d walk over to Andes Candies for ice cream. The wooden
“squiggly-back” seats, always really cold in there.
I was sitting at the Terminal Grill at 4811 Kimball at 2AM on the
Saturday night they bulldozed the old L station. Woke up the next
morning, 6 hours later, and it was gone. I was probably the last one
to see it before its demise. ;..–( — Mike

Mikey commented about Terminal Theatre on Aug 19, 2007 at 7:52 pm

Visit Von Steuben High on Kimball and look at the fantastic painting
of that scene, looking east to Kedzie, from the “L”, just like the pic whose URL is posted here. It was done by a 50s grad, but the Von
folks, including the head of their alumni club, say they don’t know where the artist lives. They want to protect his privacy, which is
good; but I want a print of that work! Very detailed and accurate!
I also remember the Saturday AM kids' show. 25c for 2 films and 20 cartoons. Kept us out of trouble for hours! The parental school kids
were CHAINED together and led down Lawrence ave. Scary.
— Mike W., Roosevelt ‘67