Comments from Mattster

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Mattster commented about Boulevard Theater on Mar 23, 2005 at 4:28 pm

Thanks for the information about Huggy Boy. I use to listen to his broadcasts while growing up in Highschool and college.I wish all the DJs were just like him. If I were to start a career as a disc jockey he would the guy I would pattern myself after. He didn’t have the I am the world’s greatest personality on the air like Howard Stern or Rush Limbaugh. He seemed rather personable on the air. Hopefully if he was hurt in the bathroom he was able to make somewhat of a quick recovery. It is ashame that all the AM stations are going to talk radio. If there were any radio stations that played oldies, it is the same old music again which has turned me against Oldies Music. If anybody should see him tell him he really made a difference.