Comments from matthewparisi

Showing 10 comments

matthewparisi commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Jan 20, 2009 at 4:02 pm

So of the Moore Bond films which is the best?
can only go to one.

matthewparisi commented about Radio City Music Hall on Jan 20, 2009 at 4:00 pm

It interests me that the Music Hall I believe had midnight shows on NY’s eve until the late 60’s.
Was this complete with both movie and stage show?
How many people would go? Would it have been packed to make it worthwhile?
Why would you want to go if you could be at a party, restaurant or in Times Square to celebrate?

As to Warren’s pointing that at the time of Rio the Christmas season was very short it probably meant a lot more. Today by early December I am thinking is it still Christmas?
The ‘42 Christmas show ran from December until March! Meaning that it could have been the Easter show as well. Just replace Glory of Easter for the Nativity.

matthewparisi commented about Rivoli Theatre on Jan 20, 2009 at 3:44 pm

The Rivoli was probably the best place in NY to see 70mm. I only wish I got to see the 60’s films there.
The orchestra level of the Strand was also wonderful.
Both had large curved screens that hit you head on.
And then there is my beloved Criterion…

But I am also torn with what Warren says about the old house.
From post cards it was very beautiful and though it did not have a real stage I understand it held concerts initially. Surely in the back there was enough room to have concerts again before they twinned it.
It would have been 100 times better than the Beacon.
I am sure you could put up a lot of nice skycrapers where Broadway theatres are. In fact there are a lot of legit houses that don’t hold a candle to the Riv. And then of course the most beautiful of them is now a church. Yuck.(Though it was originally a movie theater.)
The above picture does not do justice to it’s interior. Can one post a postcard of the house from the balconey?
I got one off ebay but I don’t know where I put it.

matthewparisi commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 28, 2008 at 3:23 pm

Just think a Christmas show that opens on Dec 21st!

matthewparisi commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 19, 2008 at 3:25 pm

That list of his is a shambles and so unfortunately is the rest of that book.
A great opportunity lost.
Considering your vast knowledge of the place Warren didn’t even a cursory look make your jaw drop?
Too bad the Hall doesn’t seem to want it’s history documented.
All that great info rotting away in archives.
What a coffe table book it would make!

matthewparisi commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 15, 2008 at 9:42 am

Oh and ‘62 was Jumbo.

matthewparisi commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 15, 2008 at 9:40 am

I saw two as a tyke.
‘67 and '69.
Great Christmas memories.

matthewparisi commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on Dec 15, 2008 at 9:37 am

How did Oliver play and look?

matthewparisi commented about Loew's Paradise Theatre on Dec 10, 2008 at 4:14 pm

Do they ever show classic films?
It’s a lot less money to lose.

matthewparisi commented about Radio City Music Hall on Dec 10, 2008 at 4:09 pm

Anybody seen the Pulham movie? Does it ever show up on TCM?
Seems a very bizarre choice for a holiday show even if it’s good. Why is it unheard of?

REndress is any of that film of stage shows from the sixties and before? Or is all of that gone for good? Would love to have movies of the big set pieces available to experience as much as possible the holiday shows and Bolero, Court of Jewels and Serenade to the Stars etc. We don’t even have good color photos!
And wasn’t there a Voyage of the Vikings?
What fun it must have been devising this stuff. And even more fun to see it. And then stay and see it again!