Comments from Markendall

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Markendall commented about Milford Theatre on Apr 9, 2013 at 11:46 am

Gosh, it is sure nice to see that the Milford Theatre still lives on in other people’s memories. I grew up on Eddy street right by Addison and Pulaski. I can not tell you how many memories this topic, and location hold for me. I remember my Dad taking us there to see Towering Inferno, the line went all the way around the block. I remember the Jack in the Box across the street, Keystone drugstore, the whole area is some how ingrained in Technicolor inside of me. I really would like to go back, if only for one day, and ride my Schwinn Scrambler down for Baseball practice at Kilbourn Park, and wait on the porch for my day to come home from work. Well, he’s gone now, and the area doesn’t look the same. A bit sad.