Comments from marjoriedoor

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marjoriedoor commented about Rocky Point Drive-In on Jul 2, 2009 at 9:43 pm

I was unfamiliar with the terminolgy, and did not know what hard top meant, so I guess I gave you alot of info about the drive-in that you already knew.
I have a stack of old Lion’s Club of R.P. Classified Directories and neither the drive-in nor hard-top were ever listed. The only mention came from the listing for Georgia’s Statuary. “Rte 25A cor. of Brookhaven Dr. (Next to Rocky point Drive-In Theatre”
The restaurant may have been called the Pancake Cottage, not Kountry Kitchen as I had written previously. There is a listing for it in the late 70’s directories but the only address given is Rte 25A in R.P.

marjoriedoor commented about Rocky Point Drive-In on Jun 18, 2009 at 10:20 pm

The Drive-in was west of Broadway, Hallock Landing and Tall Tree Golf course. East of North Country Rd. There was a place that sold garden statuary just before the entrance to the drive-in which was
on the North side of 25A. There were a couple of side roads Patchogue Dr and Brookhaven Dr whether they were the access roads I cannot remember. In later years (mid 70’s) 2 strip malls fronted the drive-in property, one had a succession of grocery stores (Bohacks was 1st) then it was a Sear Surplus, there was a Crazy Eddies next door for a while (his prices are insane!!). The other housed the indoor movie (after it closed it became a resuarant called Kountry
Kitchen I beleive) and the Carvel.
I was a security guard at the beach in 1980 when it was run by Denzler Security I worked at all the beaches, Queen included climbing up and down those steps kept me in shape.
There is a book called “Looking Back at Rocky Point, In the Shadow of the Radio Towers” Volume 1 by Natalie Aurucci Steifel that may interest you. It tells the story of how Rocky Point came to be and how RCA influenced the area.

marjoriedoor commented about Rocky Point Drive-In on Jul 25, 2006 at 2:03 pm

Our family were summer residents from 1957-1980, winter residents from 1980-1988. I spent many nights at the drive-in from infancy to adulthood. I remember at about age 8 or 9 when I realized that I was too big for the playground after I slammed my head on the Big Blue slide as I tried to flip over the monkey bar (ouch!). The indoor theater did show regular movies for the 1st year or 2 before it became x-rated. It was in the stripmall that had the Carvel. I was up for a visit this past April (06) and could not beleive the changes. Most the old stuff is gone. The fence along NSPOBA Beach is an eyesore, I almost cried when I saw that. We went to Broadway beach with the big Rock for diving (forbidden now!)Thank goodness TILDA’s Bakery is still there, (Best cookies and cakes anywhere)
Alfies too. It is definately not the sleepy little summer community I remember.