Comments from MarioManzini

Showing 2 comments

MarioManzini commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Nov 2, 2017 at 10:26 pm

MarioManzini commented about RKO Madison Theatre on Nov 2, 2017 at 10:25 pm

Mario Manzini here. I performed at the RKO Madison Theater on stage with my Escapology show on May, 1966. It was the first RKO Theater that I ever performed at. Many others followed. To promote my stage show there I did an escape from the old Ridgewood Court House Jail cell which made the Ridgewood Times and all NYC newspapers. Houdini’s brother Theo Hardeen had his stage show at the Madion Theater in 1946. Right after the show he was taken to the hospital where he died from Esophagus Cancer.