Comments from ManuelDauhajre

Showing 2 comments

ManuelDauhajre commented about Cines Plaza 1 & 2 on Nov 22, 2010 at 3:01 am

Thank you for agreeing with me Kishka. Did you live in San Juan ? You have no idea how I miss the old days of cinema ! :)

ManuelDauhajre commented about Cines Plaza 1 & 2 on Sep 13, 2010 at 2:53 am

There is nothing SADDER to the movie loving community than having to accept the fact that Plaza 1 & Plaza 2 are gone the way of the Dodo. The same thing happened to the Laguna Gardens theaters. I cannot begin to try to explain to this generation of movie going people the difference between what they think is good enough and the majestic movie theaters of yesterday. Where are those great minds from the 1970’s that made real those awesome movie theaters? We need you now in 2010!! We need them to show this generation how majestic was the mind of men in the 1970’s and how serious was the business of offering the movie going crowds the best in entertainment.