Comments from malo1967

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malo1967 commented about Roxy Theatre on Jan 8, 2010 at 3:37 pm

Before my parents, William Power Maloney and Dorothy nee Crooker Maloney, passed away in 1963 and 1976 respectively, I never thought to ask them about they met. It is one of the goals of my family history project to learn how that might have come about.

I believe that it may have been as a result of my father when he was as an assistant US Attorney prosecuted William P. Buckner for securities in 1937. Apparently, Mr. Buckner’s lobbying efforts with US congressmen including throwing lavish cocktail and dinner parties in Wash. DC to which he invited “ Broadway Cuties” to attend. My Father had several of them testify at the trial. Two of them were Doris “ Peewee” Donaldson and Noel Carter. While my Mother did not, as far I know, did not testify, she may accompanied Ms. Donaldson and Ms. Carter to Washington and was introduced to my Father.

Does anyone know about the stage careers of Ms. Donaldson and/or Ms. Carter or whether they danced at the Roxy from 1937 to 1939?


malo1967 commented about Roxy Theatre on Jan 8, 2010 at 3:00 pm

My mother, Dorothy Maloney, performed at the Roxy from 1932 to 1936. I believe that Gae Foster brought her to Roxy from the West Coast where she, my mother, was dancing in Fanchon & Marco’s “ Ideas ” prologues to motion pictures. During her career my Mother danced under her maiden name, Dorothy Crooker. Her form of dance was called
“ controlled dance” because she performed it entirely on one leg while moving across the stage with her other leg fully extended, usually straight over her head.

Does anyone have Roxy programs and/or publicity stills of Dorothy Crooker? I understand that the NYPL may have Roxy memorbilia, but I have not yet contacted them.
