Comments from macdanman

Showing 12 comments

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 27, 2009 at 5:56 pm

AlAlvarez have you seen “Network” buddy ???????
Because you are wrong

“Forrest Gump” is one of those movies that thinks just because it plays “Fortunate Son” or some other iconic song from a certain period, that they are recreating the period. What they are actually doing is just being lazy filmmakers.

I guess you have not been to the film forum lately because they do really cool and interesting festivals. They just had a con movie film festival, they are currently having a Tod Browning film festival.

It is a fact that TODAY “Marty” is a far better known film then “The Hospital.”

Thanks for correcting my mistake, I am happy to do the same for you.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 27, 2009 at 4:12 pm

Okay you have so many mistakes in your diarrhea like comments. One “Forrest Gump” is not a time capsule for any generation. It is a ridiculous piece of trash, with a horrible script. Also I believe “Network” is even more relevant then it was at the time of its release. The Television industry has yet to kill someone because of bad ratings, so please don’t say the current state of Television is more ridiculous. Also I really don’t think the Lafayette should be thanked for showing a bunch of clique movies, that any real fan of cinema has seen many times. I have never gone into the Lafayette and discovered a movie, director, or actor for the first time like I have at a place like the Film Forum. For example, instead of showing “Marty” they could have shown “The Hospital” or some other less popular Paddy Chayefsky scripted film.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 27, 2009 at 4:58 am

I think “Rocky” fans are so seduced by the underdog story, that they are unable to look at the movie objectively.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 27, 2009 at 2:41 am

sorry any list that lists “Forrest Gump” as one of the top movies is automatically void.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 27, 2009 at 2:22 am

The order they appear on some arbitrary list doesn’t prove anything.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 26, 2009 at 5:47 am

Gentlemen, your brevity on the matter is quite inspiring.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 11:05 pm

I don’t care what you expect, I am telling you what happens. Now open your book to page 45 and read the first paragraph.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 6:12 pm

I am thinking of a Walter Matthau film from 1993 rhett, any clue?
I will give you a clue, its not “Dennis the Menace,” one of my ALL-TIME favorites by the way.

Also going to a theater and wanting no talking is equivalent to a heroine addict not wanting track marks.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 4:27 am

How can you tell if someone is tough while they are talking in a theater? WHat you are referring to, in a round about way, is racial profiling and stereotyping. Two actions I will have no part in.

I can not wait to hear RHETTs heated response to my previous statements, so I can once again point out the contradictions between his internet attitude and his daily operating persona.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 25, 2009 at 3:41 am

“Network” is anything but mediocre. I think you should watch it again, with the sound on this time.

Rhett comments about the theater’s presentation of “Rocky” were for the most part pedestrian. Meaning he is complaining about something he doesn’t totally understand. Most of his criticisms were based on guesses and assumptions.

ALSO RHETT complaining about people talking in a theater on the internet, after you have left said theater, doesn’t do anyone any good. Maybe next time you should not be so timid, and ask them to be quiet. It seems as though your confrontational internet attitude is not very consistent with your daily operating persona.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 24, 2009 at 8:36 pm

I am sorry but “Rocky” is a mediocre film, especially when you compare it to other superior films of that year, “NETWORK” and “TAXI DRIVER (you heard of those).” To say it is one of your favorites is short-sited and makes me think you’re possibly Sylvester Stallone. If this latter point is true, I would just like to say that your work in “Tango & Cash” was quite powerful and definitely BAFTA worthy.

macdanman commented about Lafayette Theatre on May 24, 2009 at 6:05 am

“Those darn teenagers with their ipods and their pornography."
-Grumpy old man

Grow up Rhett.

Also buddy, if you knew anything about cinema “Rocky” wouldn’t be one your your “ALL-TIME favorites”.