Comments from longtassle

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longtassle commented about Granada Theatre on Oct 23, 2010 at 11:30 pm

That was such a great pic. i moved near the high school from linden in the summer of 80 and started working at granada right after….but i barely remember those stores at all. wow. and i don’t remember the windows up above the marquee. i guess i never looked up, i was 11 after all.

longtassle commented about Granada Theatre on Nov 13, 2006 at 2:47 pm

It was a 99 cent theater when i worked there. The sign said 1 cent donation as well. lol. There were 3 theaters. I’m sure I inadvertantly ran it into the ground a little by selling both halves of the ripped ticket every now and than and keeping a buck. I was 12 after all and that was too tempting. My life of crime pretty much ended there so I guess I’m not that horrible of a person.

longtassle commented about Granada Theatre on Nov 13, 2006 at 2:38 pm

I also sold papers at the little island on the inlet of pleasant street. It had that old wooden shack on it. You’d think I was talking about the 50’s or something. lol. This was the early 80’s. And I worked in the videa game room at the Granada bowling lanes. Boy I had some sweet jobe for a preteen. There was a chinese food restaurant that opened right next door to the theater and I became friends with the kid who’s parent owned it. Eddie Yu was his name. I dated his sister Anna for a short spell. Memory lane here…..

longtassle commented about Granada Theatre on Nov 13, 2006 at 2:31 pm

I’m 37 and lived in Malden in the Linden area until 1980 and moved to a street behind the library. I worked in the Granada theater from about 1980ish to….? don’t remember. Maybe a year or two. The owner’s name was Roland something or other.

I was too young to work but at that time we somehow made friends with the people working there and they got to know my family. Not the tightest ship at that time I’m sure you’d expect. We’d hang out there after hours and play indoor soccer matches up in the hall outside theater 1 upstairs.

My brothers being older and more daring used the tunnnels under there that ran throughout parts of malden square to “explore” the area. They have some stories and clearer memories I’m sure. I really do remember pretty clearly how the interior and a lot of the office area and storeage areas looked though.

Interesting fact, as you faced the concession counter if you looked to your right there were a bank of exit doors. Above them high on the wall were a shield and swords (it was a spansh baroque style theater after all). I think one of my brothers “liberated” them when things went south.

I had those on my bedroom wall into the mid nineties. I wonder what happened to them after that (i had stupidly painted them too). I’m sure there not somewhere in my moms house anymore but i’d like to think they are. Maybe I took them to my first apartment and then got rid of them. I don’t remember but I sure do regret losing track of them.