Comments from LIPPARD46

Showing 2 comments

LIPPARD46 commented about Village Playhouse on Aug 22, 2011 at 12:35 pm

oops! 51 years not 61. sorry

LIPPARD46 commented about Village Playhouse on Aug 16, 2011 at 12:58 pm

hi, don lippard here. Sconce owned the theater but never actually ran the theater. In 1960 I started working there for Jerry Garrison and his wife. learned to be a Projectionist and stayed there thru other operators of the BROWNY. We showed holiday movies to the kids in school in Dec of each year. Loved it-i got out of school for the day to operate the projectors. Still dream about the old place. good dreams! Am still in the theater business after 61 years. It was a wonderful little theater.