Comments from lindsaycarr

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lindsaycarr commented about Four Seasons Cinemas on Dec 19, 2014 at 11:33 pm

:( I was tagged in a short video of the demolition on Facebook. Sad…..

lindsaycarr commented about Four Seasons Cinemas on Oct 15, 2014 at 4:25 pm

I was the manager of this Theater for 6 months back in 2009 when EPIC had its doors open. I have to agree, the brothers who owned this theater did not want to put a dime into it, so they didn’t. It was quite sad.. When I first took it over, the popcorn machine was “broken”, so I was instructed to stop off at EPIC first thing every morning and pick up a trash bag full of their popcorn (always the previous nights popcorn) and fill my warmers. It was embarrassing! This lasted for about a week before I broke down and begged my father to come and fix it. I spent less than $20 for the parts he needed, and he had it working in less than 15 minutes. Then he fixed my broken water fountain. Then he fixed my clogged drains. It only got worse from that point on. There was such history in that old building, and it had such potential- but lacked the proper ownership and love that it needed. I was there when the AC broke, and could instantly tell I was going to have to just roll with it… the word HOT doesn’t begin to describe the inside of that building, or the disgust I felt when I was instructed to hang that “Please bring a fan” sign. I also remember being told I needed to do some outside clean up before the brothers came to see the place after I took it over. With no AC inside, I was outside pulling weeds, cleaning up the side of the building where the bums hung out, and cutting down a small tree (with a hand saw) that was blocking the marquee from being properly seen from SR64. INSANE! I did those things because I loved the four seasons. I loved the old equipment in the booth.. Building the movies onto a giant reel, working with the old wall mounts… Definitely the oldest equipment I’ve ever used to date. My final straw was when I lost my cleaning lady. They paid her $20 a day to come and clean, and expected her to stay “a couple hours”. She was a sweet woman, but ultimately, you get what you pay for. Once she quit, I was told I was the new cleaning person, and I would not be getting the $20 a day… That didn’t last long. Despite the lack of time and TLC the owners refused to put into that theater, It was still a favorite of mine. When the equipment was operating properly, and the 2 staff members showed up, and it wasn’t 90 degrees outside, and we had working CC machines, and a cleaning lady, and a popcorn machine, and the bums weren’t attempting to come in the building, it was heaven inside.