Comments from legacy

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legacy commented about Larkfield Theatre on Oct 22, 2014 at 3:59 pm

Hi Everyone I just saw these comments – haven’t been to this site in a while, but it always makes me smile to see how people remember my grandparents (Stuart and Sarah Baker) and their theaters and how much other people cared about something they both loved to do very much. My mom (their daughter Denise Baker), said shes trying to go through my grandmother stuff now and would be happy to share anything she finds but shes not sure how much, if anything valuable from the theater survived the move (my grandmother moved from East Northport to NJ 6 or 7 years after my grandfather passed away to be closer to us, by which time the theater had already been converted to a church according to my mom). I know my grandma’s best friend Ginny still lives right there, we used to visit her quite often – and she definitely has some stuff she kept stored in her basement as momentos. Shes in her 90’s so its hard to get in touch with her by phone, and i’m abroad now – but i’ll definitely give it a try to reach her and at least ask. Perhaps her son can send me some pictures at least. Lastly, Mike – do you remember my mom from when you worked at the theater? She said she would love to hear from people who worked there or have good memories to share about the theater or my grandparents. Please be in touch with me privately and i will happily make the direct connection. All the Best!

legacy commented about Larkfield Theatre on Feb 14, 2011 at 8:21 am

we do have some, i will dig some out when i go to visit my parents house soon and see how i can scan and upload them. Not sure what else there is. My grandfather kept everything, my grandmother almost nothing but i am happy to explore and check it out and share whatever we have.

legacy commented about Larkfield Theatre on Feb 8, 2011 at 10:38 pm

don’t know if any of you still read or check this site, but i came across it googling my grandmother – Sarah Baker, who recently passed away. I never knew my grandfather, Stuart Baker as he died before i was born, but i am named after him. I grew up visiting my grandmother and her friend Mattie in East Northport and seeing the town and hearing some stories about the lives they built there. As trivial as these stories/memories about the theatre may seem to you it would mean a lot to me to hear more. I know it was an important part of my grandfather’s life and certainly my mom’s (Denise) but my grandmother was never much for telling stories or reviewing the past (no matter how glorious or interesting) as she was a very practical woman and my mom’s memories are fuzzy at best since she was so young then. I would be happy to contact you directly by phone or e-mail and am happy to share with you copies of whatever pics and leftover stuff we have. thanks in advance :–)