Comments from larryk

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larryk commented about East 70 Drive-In on Feb 22, 2009 at 4:44 pm

Ask Ken If he would like a photo of the matchbook cover. I also have a matchbook cover for the Compass Drive In Theatres

larryk commented about East 70 Drive-In on Feb 22, 2009 at 3:07 pm

I have a matchbook from East Drive In Theatre 12600 East Colfax is the address on the book “Across from Fitzsimmons Hospital” Phone Aurora 880. I also have a scrapbook from Denver from a person who managed the Broadway Theatre in the early 50’s.Lots of b&w photos including photos of the construction of a Drive In. It is labeled Valley Screen. Also in the book is photos taken of Jimmy Stewart filming “The Glen Miller Story” At Holland Hall? Also are photos of the Audience Awards Parade Oct.7 1955.I will be selling this on e-bay in a couple of weeks.Interested let me know.