Comments from LAF

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LAF commented about Hylan Plaza Cinemas on Dec 20, 2015 at 10:46 pm

With the release of the latest Star Wars Movie episode VII I was inspired to search for the movie theatre where I saw the original movie back when I was a kid. I remember seeing Star Wars at this theatre for the first time when I was 5 ½ years old back in May of 1977 when it was known as the Fox Theatre. My older sister as myself loved this movie and she took me every week during the weekends while it played there throughout the rest of 1977. I do not know how long the Star Wars run lasted at the Fox, but If I were to guess it was 6+ months and I probably saw the movie 30+ times back then. Walking with my sister to go see Star Wars from where I use to live on Hett Avenue were very happy days and for me and a defining moment in my child hood memories.