Comments from Kurent

Showing 3 comments

Kurent commented about East 70 Drive-In on Jun 2, 2005 at 2:12 am

Nice to hear from you Jerry. You probably don’t remember me out of the hundres of employees you must have had but I worked for you at the North Star. My brother managed the West and the Wadsworth and you worked with his father in law. I would like to trade some e-mails but I am afraid of getting swamped with spam if I post it my address here. You were a great boss and fun to work for. I hope you are doing very well.

Kurent commented about East 70 Drive-In on Oct 10, 2004 at 4:57 am

I am not familier with the Centennial, Where was it? Unless you meant to say the Cinderella Twin.
Some of my fondest memories are of popping and bagging the fresh hot popcorn, the warm summer nights when I was running from side to side of the box office collecting money and handing out tickets. Later opening the “back gates” and standing on the hill watching people try to thread thier way out (not even a T-rex traffic jam compared to that). Even working Christmas eve when it was cold and snowing and being suprised to see 5 or 10 cars come in. We never seemed to close.
There was the old man in the green 45 chevy with all his posessions in the car. He seemed to have visited every drive in the city reguarly. We would try and guess his story. We all knew him but not his name.
We even wore ties and slacks back then (1977). That would be strange to see now.

Kurent commented about East 70 Drive-In on Jun 12, 2004 at 8:47 am

I worked at the North Star drive-in in the late 70s which along with the Wadsworth were two others in the Compass chain. I think the North Star had a capacity of about 1700 cars and the Wadsworth had a curved reflective screen and an indoor seating area (although it wasn’t used for years before the theatre was closed). The NS was torn down to make room for a very large electronics store and there is a Sams Club and Home Depot where the Wadsworth used to be. The Monaco was an airport parking lot until Denver moved the airport and now has new industrial buildings on the site. The North is now a city park.
Compass Drive-Ins were part of Wolfberg Theatres, Denver. I think they sold out to Commonwealth theatres in the late 70s or early 80s. I would like to hear of any info of how the company started and what became of it.