Comments from kmurdock40

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kmurdock40 commented about Northpark West 1 & 2 on Jan 15, 2011 at 10:18 am

I saw every big picture there was at this theatre from that late 60s until it’s demise. I remember attending a one day screening of the Star Wars Trilogy on May 25, 1985. I believe that was the first time all 3 films were screened together. I skipped college that day to stand in line all morning to get tickets. I got a really bad sunburn on one side of my face much like Richard Dreyfuss in Close Encounters, but it was worth it. The Fox studio reps handed out buttons and posters to the first 200 in line. I still have both. I drive by Northpark everyday on my way to work. It makes me sad to know it’s no longer there. Most modern theatre just aren’t the same. Thank you to all the folks that worked at the Northpark I & II over the years that helped make it such a magical movie going experience, and for sharing your stories on this site.