Comments from kimbe99606

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kimbe99606 commented about Madison Theatre on Nov 3, 2006 at 7:39 pm

Looks like a few others have had the same thought I have on this old theater. My mom and her siblings grew up in this area and she has fond memories of spending Saturdays at this theater watching movie after movie and sometimes “even coming home with some candy”. I have recently moved into the neighborhood and whole heartedly agree that it is a shame the state the place is in. It is centrally located in a great neighborhood that, in my opinion, would embrace it as a venue for live music and art house movies. Has someone started a preservation effort? And if so, how can I participate? $$ is not an option at the moment but I have plenty of time to put in. It’s the sort of project I would love to be a part of for the long term. If anyone is active on this please contact me at