Comments from kiddmo

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kiddmo commented about Inglewood Theater on Jul 17, 2011 at 5:21 pm

My grandmother and I were the last patrons of the Inglewood Theatre in 1977. I remember it was cold and drizzling that day. The last movie to play at Inglewood Theatre playing was Poco (Little Lost Dog). I was 10 and was hooked on Benji and Herbie Love Bug movies, Poco was sort of a Benji rip off. When we walked in we noticed it was completely empty. The manager told us they were closing forever that day and this was the last movie. I will always remember walking out with the manager locking the door behind us thinking I was the last customer. I’ll always remember spending every weekend with my grandparents and going to that old theatre.

I believe after the theatre shutdown it became a Joywood Furniture store and then a junk store until they tore it down.