Comments from khh1138

Showing 2 comments

khh1138 commented about Avon Theatre Earns National Attention for "Tree of Life" Policy on Jun 29, 2011 at 5:38 pm

I agree with stang119. It’s sad the theatre director was pushed to the point to have to put up a sign like that. He must have had to deal with a lot of unreasonable people. Patrons should know better. Some movies you will love, some you won’t – and you can talk about them later with your friends (Not during the movie). And not “liking” or “getting” a movie is not a good reason to ask for your money back. Can you imagine reading a book and returning it for your money back? Going to a play and asking for your money back? Going on a vacation and deciding you didn’t really like Venice so you want your money back? Nuts.

khh1138 commented about Village Theatre Reopens After a Decade in the Dark on Jun 29, 2011 at 5:32 pm

This is wonderful news! I can’t wait to see it! Thank you for the update.