Comments from kenreiff6

Showing 8 comments

kenreiff6 commented about Esquire Theatre on Feb 5, 2013 at 4:03 pm

I taught at Whitehall in 1960!!!!

kenreiff6 commented about Esquire Theatre on Feb 5, 2013 at 10:03 am

Another thought. I worked as janitor, usher, ticket taker, concession clerk, marquee sign, etc and assistant manager, 1956-1959, at the Esquire and later manager of the Drexel for a year. It was unbelievable what the girls would write in lipstick and that stuff was near impossible to remove from mirrors and stall doors/walls. The items of bras, panties, made one wonder if the film was viewed at all-yep indoors.

kenreiff6 commented about Esquire Theatre on Feb 5, 2013 at 9:52 am

All I know is that when my wife and I went back to Columbus in 1988 the Esquire was torn down. Her family lived on Broadmoor so we were in the area quite a bit.

kenreiff6 commented about Esquire Theatre on May 11, 2010 at 8:43 am

Wow, thanks so much for the link on Jerry. He is the gentleman I worked for while attending Capital U across the street. Without his help in giving me and my wife a job; probably no way I could have completed my education at Capital. A wonderful gentleman.
Second comment. Attended my 50th graduation from Capital U class reunion on April 22, 2010. Was great to see Professor Arthur Grossman had been inducted into the Professsor’s Hall of Fame.
He managed the Esquire theater for quite some time—he was there from 1956 to 1959 for sure. I don’t know when he started workng there.

kenreiff6 commented about Esquire Theatre on Apr 17, 2010 at 7:34 am

Jeff, can you tell me the name of the person your bought the Drexel from or the owner in 1960-61. He treated my wife and me so very well espcially when our child was born. Quite a guy. Thanks

kenreiff6 commented about Esquire Theatre on Mar 11, 2010 at 5:56 pm

Re: The note from ChasSmith? The Bexeley was an art theater and I doubt very seriously that they showed Sleeping Beauty.

kenreiff6 commented about Esquire Theatre on Mar 10, 2010 at 8:25 pm

Sure. The term came from New York City where there were numerous theaters in row. As you probably know, the film came in cans-4 reels to a can if I remember correctly. On long and expensive films
(Ben Hur/South Pacific, etc) there were usually 3 cans. The first theater would start the film and run 2 reels (40 minutes) The person responsible to get those to the next theater would put the can in his bicyle basket and pedal to the next theater and so on. The reels were cyled through up to as many as 4 theaters. You could actually see the bikes with the cans. That way the owners would only have to pay for 1 film instead of 3 or 4. In the case of the Esquire I used my car not bike and took the film back and forth. Sometimes, in the winter it became a challange and on a couple of occasions the theater went blank until I got there. Noted above from Mark L. I delivered to either the Drexel/Livingston theaters and occasionally to the theater across from Ohio State U. Can’t remember the name.
occasionally to the theater across

from Ohio State (cant remember the name).

kenreiff6 commented about Esquire Theatre on Mar 10, 2010 at 7:44 pm

I worked at the Esquire from 1956 to 1960 then moved to manage the Drexel on Main across from Capital U in 1960-61. At the Esquire I did all the jobs except projectionist (union). Bicyled films for Ben Hur, South Pacific, Sleeping Beauty, Oklahoma, etc. Worked as janitor, concession, ticket sales, usher, ticket taker, and managed the theater for late shows. The manager at the time was Professor Arthur Grossman from Capital University. I met my wife at the Esquire in 1959. We are celebrating our 50th this year. Any photos of the theater would be appreciated.
If you want more info about the theater contact me. Gulf Station next door. A lot of kids from Eastmoor High School.