JimC – Did you ever post those photos anywhere? The last time I was at the theater I noticed all the “Buy war bonds” messages embedded in the stonework at the entrance and thought I should come back and take photos. But then I thought oh someone will have all this documented but now I can find very few photos. :–( I’ll miss this gentle giant where I saw THE GODFATHER, STAR WARS, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS and many other big spectacle films. I remember it was one of the last theaters that allowed smoking in the balcony but you had to pay an extra dollar.
Thanks JimC – will look forward to your post.
Thanks Life’s too short for the laugh.
JimC – Did you ever post those photos anywhere? The last time I was at the theater I noticed all the “Buy war bonds” messages embedded in the stonework at the entrance and thought I should come back and take photos. But then I thought oh someone will have all this documented but now I can find very few photos. :–( I’ll miss this gentle giant where I saw THE GODFATHER, STAR WARS, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS and many other big spectacle films. I remember it was one of the last theaters that allowed smoking in the balcony but you had to pay an extra dollar.