Tried the new theatre – all I can say is Wow!! It is comfortable, stylish, and has a great staff. The real butter on the popcorn is quite a treat. They also had a great variety of specialty items at the concession stand a selection of wines and a tasty snack called s'nuts, well worth trying when you go.
They need to get a few more mainstream movies to compliment the art fare.
If you are ever considering selling the theatre; please let me know!
Tried the new theatre – all I can say is Wow!! It is comfortable, stylish, and has a great staff. The real butter on the popcorn is quite a treat. They also had a great variety of specialty items at the concession stand a selection of wines and a tasty snack called s'nuts, well worth trying when you go.
They need to get a few more mainstream movies to compliment the art fare.