Comments from Juneface

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Juneface commented about Shoveling Popcorn on Feb 24, 2015 at 8:37 pm

The building of this theater was a huge event in this little village. I remember that first they poured the concrete foundation and it sat there for a year or more because they could finance the building of the structure itself. The cement was really smooth and slanted downward to where the screen would be located and we would put on our sidewalk skates and glide on this sloping floor – it was like silk…down we would glide. We loved it. When the theater was finally built it was the pulse of the village. Farmers would come in to town on Saturday night, drop the kids off at the theater and the mothers would shop and dads would go to the tavern or pool hall, or just sit out front and chat with the towns people about the crops and latest news. It was straight out of a Hollywood movie.

Juneface commented about Ashton Theater on Feb 24, 2015 at 8:30 pm

I worked at the Ashton theater in 1954. Clyde and Dorothy Sheppard were very good to the student employees. A real fun time in my teenage years. The building of this theater was a HUGE event in Ashton at the time. It is so sad to see it now.

Little did I know in those 1950s that when I’d watch all these movies after work, that I’d someday be an archivist for legendary actress Maureen O'Hara. I started her first official website back in 1991 when the Internet was in its infancy. It became a big success and I even traveled to Ireland in 1998 and more recently was invited to the Governors Awards – Nov 8th, 2014 – in Hollywood when Maureen was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award. I have two websites – the most active being on Facebook, listed as “Maureen O'Hara Magazine on Facebook.”